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UK Skills is an enabler, an organisation dedicated to bringing  best practice, quality educational resources and innovative systems from the UK to India. These .....

21st century


Learning &



UK Skills warmly welcomes India's new NEP (National Education Policy) and supports it's guiding principles of

  • respect for diversity

  • inclusion and community participation

  • increased use of technology

  • emphasis on conceptual understanding

  • welcome for increased skills development and competency based education

  • recognition of each students unique capabilities

  • support for critical thinking and creativity

  • a continuous review model for assessment

Typical projects with international partners

Standards and Benchmarking

Working with Penta International we are presenting a virtual Leadership Programme that  examines Standards & Benchmarking for School Excellence to improve learning, raise grades, enhance staff morale and the upgrade the standing of the school

... read more here

Contact us for more information

Visit the Penta International site


What we do

UK Skills has a long experience in developing and delivering learning, assessment and qualifications. We have a clear focus on new technology leading ...

Working with SchoolVue

UK Skills and SchoolVue formed a working partnership in 2019. SchoolVue is an easy to use online analytics tool which has been developed in partnership with UK schools. Many of the features and ideas have come from the senior leaders and classroom teachers who use it ... read more here

schoolvue 2020.jpg

Who we are

UK Skills works as a consultant, project manager, enabler, with partners in the UK, India and beyond to identify, develop and deploy quality, innovative ...

Transforming Data into Wisdom Programme

enroll for webinar today

This webinar explores best practices with regards to the collection and analysis of student information. Our key data themes of Academic, Behavioural and Communication will be introduced. Topics such as judging progress, the school data cycle and use of analytics tools will be covered. A great opportunity for senior leaders to reflect on current practices.

When: 25th August 2021 3.15pm – 5.15pm (GST)
Price: £30 per school - Up to three delegates per school
Target Audience: Head of the Board, Head of School, Head of Assessment, Senior Leaders

DOWNLOAD more information and booking form here


UK Skills is an enabler, an organisation dedicated to bringing  best practice, quality educational resources and innovative systems from the UK to India ... 

Learning and Training Solutions

 Qualifications and Assessment

 Talent Management & Development

Helping find the right learning solutions.

The UK Skills consultancy team provides a full range of consultancy services in the educational arena.


We build our pool of experts from both the public and private sector and can offer hands on experience in all aspects of consultancy including research, policy, implementation and delivery of education services. 

Our Partners and Collaborators include

and have included

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